Monday, December 31, 2018


Rare date night, before the end of 2018..

Took this pic with my new hp - his xmas gift for me which took me by surprise..  loving every bit of it.. thankful.. loving this man more each day and thankful for him being the hero in our lives..

My 2019
I should start thinking about this before 2020 comes.. hahahaha.. maybe I'm a simple woman and right now I don't have much goals in life.. I tried to search my past entries but don't seem to have much info..  hahahah.. coz maybe i know I'm not those who make any resolutions.. Haha...

But I know there are a few areas I wanna improve for 2019.. (hopefully)

  1. Love the people whom are loved by the people I love. 
Was just randomly saying this to a dear friend/client/COI/coach (Y) that day when she asked abt my 2019 resolutions. And she said something v chim.. Haha..  that what I'm feeling is when the "judge" in me is sabotaging my thoughts etc.. how the judge is feeling unfair for me when things don't turn out the way it should be. She say its times like this when I need to tell the "judge" to quieten bcoz as much as I cant control how people react, I can control how I want to feel/react. Gave me a book title to read more on it, which I will definitely get it.

2. Financial freedom by age 50 or earlier

I thought I could reach that earlier now that I've finally paid off the twins childcare fees.. but a random listing of my expenses still seem a lot.. I've downloaded the expenses app and will start in Jan! Wanna see where exactly does my monies go to.. 

3. Serving

I'm not a kind person, in fact my love is always limited to the few people within my circle.. but I want to expand this in 2019. Life on earth is short and I should not waste the talents that God has given me. I want to change and be a better person. I want to be able to touch lives and help them; be it financially ; emotionally or spiritually. May God guide me along..after all, He has given me so much..

Hopefully I wont go crazy with the crowds / kids Tom..  happy 2018!

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