Tuesday, December 25, 2018


In the world there are many choices..  But the one and only thing we can't choose is our family members. And sometimes it just gets to me.. when someone irritates me and yet I can't cut him off my contact bcoz he is family . 😴😴😴

Just venting.. coincidentally both uncle choo and I have quite annoying brothers who have ruled over us all of our growing years.. and they both have a doting mother who dotes more on them. . Thus the differential treatment. It's annoying why we always end up doing the extra work or picking the pieces just becoz they are of a higher class.. Argh..  and over the years, the pent up frustrations and displeasure just adds up with no place to discharge. 

And pastor eveline shared this during the Xmas service which helped comfort me (a little): 

When someone punched you in the face, and u choose to walk away, this is MERCY
When someone punched you in the face, and u choose to shake his hand, this is FORGIVENESS 
When someone punched you in the face, u choose to shake his hand and buy him ice cream, this is GRACE
When someone punched you in the face, u choose to shake his hand, buy him ice cream and give him the key to the ice cream stall so that he can bless others, this is LOVE.

I’m not a saint, and I’m struggling at the forgiveness stage, trying to love my other family members bcoz they are loved by the people I love. It’s tough and I admit it. And I’m thankful that despite my shortcomings and flaws, my God, He still loves me. Praying that the coming new year, I will be able to extend my LOVE to people I find hard to love. And may all the people I know, they will get to know of the God I know.

Merry Xmas to all!

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