Friday, December 7, 2018

My slimming journey season 2

1st oct 2018
Weight: 90.1 kg

Today's the first session after taking a 1 mth break from it. It feels good to still lost 1.5kg during the break, despite eating and eating during the Brazil trip and catching up on some sinful foods that I've completely shelved aside the last round..  e.g. chocolates; cakes; mooncakes and fried chicken.

I feel good coming this 2nd round. I know I've learnt to eat "cleaner" and simpler over this period of time. Signed a 2nd package today. I'll do 10 sessions before going for my HK trip.

I pray that God, you help me as I embark on this journey again. It is with mixed feelings and I just wanna pray and lean on You, that You help me establish the correct eating habits and guide me with discipline. Lord, I pray that you guide me thru this round and help me withstand all the temptations. In Jesus name I pray, amen !

5th oct 2018
Weight: 89.2kg
+/- : -900 grams

I lost 900 grams from Mon, to which I was pleasantly surprised. Coz this was despite a night drinking session with my Osaka kakis and another night where my dinner was at 10pm. Couldn't b happier with the results.
I still look big despite losing 10 kg🤣

9th oct 2018
Weight: 89kg
+/-: -200grams

I thought I would hit at least 500 grams but J said that I haven't been really eating clean compared to the first round. She felt that I was more strict on myself previously. Well, the therapists did commented that despite me having 3 carbs meals , I stil lost 200 grams is a good thing. But I'm clearly disappointed.

I shall start a food diary, so that I can accurately track what I put inside my mouth.. Hahaha..

I started using this food diary app, which I think is pretty useful.

12th oct 2018
Weight : 87kg
+/-: -2kg!!

I was so surprised that I told J that I'm so happy that I can fly! It's the first time I lost so much in a single session ! Of coz the friendly therapists said that we should be looking at 2-2.5kg /week (at most) n I shouldn't b thinking of 2kg per session.. hahaha.. I know la.. coz weekends are usually tougher for it's Okie..  I'm happy!

P/s: mayb I can eat a bit of the popcorn I bought for all the friends during the uob promo..  Hahaha..

16th oct 2018
Weight: 86.8kg
+/-: -200grams 
Feeling : thankful

I feasted over the weekend coz I was too happy with the previous 2kg lost. Seems silly to over indulge and chase the lost pounds but as much as I try to rationalize things, I ended up emotional eating I had satay bee hoon; my beauty hot pot; peanut butter toast etc.. I knew I had to "work" harder coming week and was pleasantly surprised that I still manage to lose 200 grams. Told the therapist that I shall do "happy weekend and clean weekdays". She said it's Okie and most impt is that I should b happy la.. Hahaha... looking forward to the 70s. Praying for discipline and strength to continue the journey..

19th oct 2018
Weight: 86.3kg 
+/-: -500grams

I tried to go back to "clean diet" but there were a few meals where I had to eat with the client(s) and can't really "escape". Went to a client house to do claims and she called me in the afternoon to go over earlier for dinner.. lol..  she cooked bee hoon and bak kut teh and kinda burst my meal plan.. lol.. but I'm blessed by her love. People like her remind me of the real reason why I'm in this job.. hopefully I won't feast too much this weekend coz I didn't lose a lot to party.. hahaha.. I do miss eating clean too..

23rd oct 2018
Weight: 86.8kg
+/-: +500 grams

Gain 500 grams since last weighing.. haiz.. my therapist say I haven't been eating clean based on my food diary.. haiz.. mayb bcoz of the car accident; I've been eating more emotionally..  haiz.. they suggested that I stop and come back after HK if I like to settle my cravings..  Will decide on fri..

26th oct 2018
Weight : 85.1kg
+/-: -1.7kg

Finally touched 85kg! Yeah! So happy.. think the last time I was 85 was after giving birth to joy.. decided to take a break for now bcoz have been doing a lot of emotional eating and it would end up wasting the sessions. Will start again when I come back from hk la.. Hahaha..  looking forward to the 70s!

Jm did this collage for me coz I always ask them for their views in our grp chat.. hahaha..and I can't be more thankful for both of them in my life.. they have been so encouraging in my slimming journey..

12th Nov 2018
Weight: 84.6kg 
Loss/Gain : - 500 grams

Was undecided if I should restart the program becoz I still have a 1 week staycation and another 5d4n cruise coming along.

Came back here and ask the therapists. We did a weighing and I actually lost 500 grams despite the high carbs eating in hk plus the feasting after I came back.

Will do a short short one before I really start back in January la.. I hope I can touch the 70s before end of the yr. Looking forward!

15th Nov
Weight : 83.1kg
+/-: -1.5kg

20th Nov 2018
Weight : 82.7kg
+/-: -400grams

Decided to take a break for now coz the sudden hectic work has been tough on me and my diet. Plus going to bring the kids for their 1 week staycation. 

This is how i look now.. thankful that I've managed to finally see my chin.. hahahaha..and most importantly a healthier me becoz I've been able to eat healthier and the no food after 8pm has been on going, to which I'm thankful. 

Will be taking a break for now before I go back to twice a week in Jan. It actually takes close to 20kg before people realize that I've lost weight.. hahaha... guess my starting point was too high..hahaha.. 

Thankful for all that has happened..

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