Thursday, December 6, 2018

My slimming journey (prelude)

Been contemplating if I should post this series of drafts for a while.. Coz this is another part of me that I struggled with for years - obesity. (Scared people will judge me and think im vain; or its really a personal struggle for me etc). And as I look back at the "slimming draft entries", I can only say that God was with me thru the whole journey and It's becoz of Him, that made it all possible.

Anyway this was composed in Jul and I finally mustered the courage to let it see light.

- Written on 15th Jul 2018
I'm writing this down today bcoz tom i will embark on a slimming journey. I've decided to start a slimming package with absolute slimming after much consideration.

Why do i want to do it? Isn't all these gimmicks part of a scam ? Just out to cheat $$ without really providing much value. When I first shared my intentions with uncle pig or my BFFs, all their initial reactions were the same.. to ask me not to do it ; that perhaps we can exercise together or motivate one another thru healthy dieting. 
I did , I went swimming religiously after moving here. I tried to eat healthier; making a conscious effort not to overeat etc.. but the odds were stacked against me. I have PCOS- where one of the side effects were acne; insulin intolerant and weight gain. I was delighted when I shed off my first 10 kg, but after that, the weight just couldn't come down. Even though I convinced myself that as long as i enjoy exercising and eating right, all these will fall in place with time. 2 yrs have passed just like that. And as time passes, it just gets more and more difficult.

But why Absolute slimming?
A few of my ex colleagues have tried it and were all v happy with the results. I didn't rush into it when I first got to know abt this. That was 2 yrs ago. I was sceptical. I know.. weight lost is easy but to keep it off, is harder. And so far, most of them have managed to keep it off.

A recent lunch date with S and she said she's going to check it out. Both of us are big all our lives. And we've tried so many methods before but none could pull it thru. I remember we even went swimming at bishan swimming complex for a few weeks before the enthusiasm died off. 
My bday treat from S on that fateful day.

She checked out the rates etc and decided to start on Mon. The consultant wasn't pushy; gave her the details and let her go. Both of us were surprised. Lol..
Anyway so I was keen but Mr choo wasn't. He was sceptical but he said I would make the final call. I shared with him my struggles and how PCOS tormented me. He said yes. But I was still afraid. Afraid that if this doesn't work out, then I'm really gone.  This is like my last resort. And right now, I just wanna pray to God. 

Dear God, you said that in all things, look to you and you will provide. God, I pray that you guide me thru these 2 mths journey that I will have the discipline to make it happen. That I will be able to have good results for the slimming program. Lord , u know my needs and u understand me more than myself. Lord, I pray that this would b a starter kit, for me to understand my body better , to be able to keep my tongue away from (food) temptations. God , my intention is not to lose till i become skinny skinny, but I just want to become healthier (lose 20 kg maybe) and if it is successful I do want to bring mr choo into it as well. God, I pray that during this time I will also be able to share about you to S too.. That she will come to know more abt u thru me. Lord, if this is in yr way, pls help me. Help me like what u did when I tried my Jesus name I pray, amen!

P/s: I checked online abt it and basically it combines tcm etc la.. thus increasing yr metabolism and removing all those toxins.  I hope that I will b able to succeed. I just need a starter kit to remove all those fats that's been with me all my life , and still continue to exercise and eat healthy (maintainence kit) thereafter.  I hope I'm right. God, help me. Give me strength and courage and discipline.

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