Sunday, March 3, 2024

What if I stopped at #1?

Got caught into the kids’ bickering and the noise killed me. I don’t know what started it or maybe it was something that Vera said which rubbed me in a different way. She said in front of Joash how she wished he wasn’t here, that she wished he would still be an infant or that he wasn’t borne. 

Moments like this, sometimes I would joke around and tell her “I wished you were an infant too, or likewise vera”

But today, for the first time, I too wished that I had stopped at #1. Maybe my friends who stopped at 1 knew better. If we had stopped at 1, we probably travel all over much earlier. 

William dragged the two of us out for a swim, coz I was overwhelmed by all the bickering and I guess the swim did me more good than I expected. 

By the time we came back, the twins were done w their 听写 and they also digged out their fav 飞机琪 so that we could play after that. 

One of those moments where I can’t wait for Monday to come. One of those moments where I wished I was free. One of those moments I know I’ll eventually get over all these negativity. 

Mayb I should eat a tub of Nutella after the kids zzzz … hahaha

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