Wednesday, March 20, 2024


The dreadful day came and left. The day where I’m scheduled for a training. This time round, I suggested doing a panel producer sharing, so that everyone could learn more abt 3 unique individuals which are so different in their ways of prospecting, but successful in their respective ways. I’m so thankful that they agreed to be my panelists, hahaha.. 

The days leading up to the event, I was feeling all over the place. Disheartened bcoz I felt that my FG was going nowhere. I felt that I was not doing enough to help them; felt that no matter how much I tried, it’s hard to dig their whys and encourage them to work. Their activities hardly move and I started to self doubt myself even more. The tipping point came when I was frustrated with another adviser, who did so badly in her paperwork, and had no urgency in rectifying or change it. And these are moments where it frustrates me to the max, when people simply don’t care. Then there was a relatively young adviser who decided to leave and join another firm. Maybe I hadn’t done enough, maybe I did too little too late. Or mayb I wasn’t meant to be a leader coz a leader shouldn’t be feeling all emotional abt so many things, even for a mini scale presentation. 

Anyway I’m glad that it’s all over.  The panel sharing turned out much better than I expected. I just need to work on my nerves and emotions. This is going to be a regular event, doing trainings and everything. And if every little single event is going to make me binge eat and emo, then I’m so dead!

Made Joash zzz last night and I teared when it was time to leave for the airport. 

I’m such a mess. 一直在装牛角尖. On one hand feeling all guilty over dumping the kids , on another hand wishing to go on another short couple trip to bkk! Aiyo… lena ah lena.. 你在做什么!?好啦。要珍惜这一次的二人世界。要活在当下。感恩

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