Sunday, March 17, 2024

Living on Borrowed Times

We celebrated the love of my life few days ago. It was a simple bday celebration. Instead of going to a fancy restaurant, the bday boy suggested going to a zicha place for lunch so that we could have a nice lunch without burning a hole in my pocket. I guess as we age, birthdays are days we are thankful to still be around. 

Uncle Choo is 53 this yr. I’m thankful that he’s still healthy, with early signs of aging. At the same time, I’m fearful for the day when he leaves me. I know it’s morbid but it’s precisely we are living on borrowed time that makes each day precious. He says no one is indispensable and eventually we will all learn to cope. 可是说的到容易。也不是说了就放得下。

Documenting our lives together so that when the time come, there will be enough for us to hold on to. 


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