Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Enjoying the peace before crazy works begin again. Taking a breather this season, coz I think I fully deserve it, and becoz I don’t want to risk another burnt out. 

Swam for the second day straight even though I had packed my gym bag. It’s hard to go back to BFT in the morning, coz the thought of “pant like crazy” is enough to scare me.. esp since I haven’t been going for a while. 

2024 I want to take a more gradual pace at work. No one need to get their cases approved at 1am coz the ops cutoff timing is 11am. Remember to rest so that I have enough brainwave for what’s ahead. 

There isn’t a need to prove anything to anyone. I will do my best to share my business practices, but whatever the outcome I’ll leave it to God. 

Went to orchard to return my Apple Watch bcoz I can’t really appreciate its functions. Thought I will just get a simple watch that tells time and is waterproof. So I returned it since it was within the “free look” period. Then passed by a jewellery shop and end up buying a ring that cost much more than the monies I will be getting back 🙈🙈🙈

Decided that today will be the day where I treat myself well, so I went to get a nice lunch. I visited this place several times when I was doing my cupping sessions. But sigh.. the cost of eating healthy is not cheap.. I rem I used to b able to get this close to $20 but now it’s $30!! And I didn’t even make it into a lunch set. It was just the salad bowl nia.. and I certainly didn’t feel full despite polishing it clean. Oops! 🙊 granted that my appetite back then was tiny and I’m nowhere near. I do hope to lose some weight before cny .. hahahaha.. we shall see !

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