Friday, January 19, 2024

End of week 1 of school day

Today has been an extremely long yet fulfilling day. Woke up to drop the girls in sch. Had wanted to go for gym, but by the time I drop the girls, I will b late. So I decided to head home just to check on my little man, who was still sound asleep. 

Decided to go for a swim to fulfil my exercise 4x a week promise. 

Had to make do with the family pool coz the lap pool was doing some reworks. But I still swam for 30 mins (yeah! Good job Mrs Choo!) 

Saw Joash in the toilet so I decided to make a run for it. Quickly went to the bathroom to shower and got ready. Could hear his cries while I was in it. 

Came out to see a naked boy who refused to wear any clothes or brush his teeth. I’m not sure if he found out that I went swimming without him or he was upset that we went for the school drop off without him or both. Anyway, we set there (naked) on the floor waiting for him to recollect his emotions. This US trip has been tough on both of us. I think he felt “abandoned” on the first few nights when I tried to let our helper do the closing. And it triggered his insecurities. I’m glad we took the time to feel connected. 

It took an hr before he wore his clothes and got ready for school. But I’m thankful that this morning was a relatively empty day so that I didn’t need to rush him or carry out any threats. 

Had a zoom at 12, before I picked the girls up. The rain meant 
 traffic was slow moving and eventually we decided to eat at my office so that I could still lunch w them instead of simply dropping them home. They did some work while waiting for me to finish another appt. 

By the end of the appt I was over stimulated already. Coz it’s one of those recruitment appt - something I’m unfamiliar with. I guess it’s one of those things that come with practice, and eventually will get the gist and hang of it. But till then, it’s stressful and unfamiliar. 

Picked the boy and we had dinner at home. The girls asked if we could go CG today. I agreed. I feel guilty  that we haven’t been v regular on this, esp since Covid + Joash + we shifted. 

So we went. Together with Joash though our helper offered to take him. But I wasn’t sure she could handle him now that he’s in his current state. 

Came back abt 1120pm and got him ready for bed. 

It didn’t take long before he zzz. 

Im glad that the first week is coming to an end. I did well, I feel.. hahaha.. better than I expected. I didn’t siam as much as I wanted. Came home mostly to do my work zooms here, even though I could simply stayed in office easily. 

Well done! 10 more days left 

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