Monday, January 29, 2024


2 more days before I see the people from US.. lol… so glad! 

 Trying out a new place to work! Hahaha.. it’s the study room within my development..tired of always needing to get a drink when I work at the cafe, so I thought I check out the study rooms here. 

It’s really quite nice. Has free air con + wifi + no people!! Hahahaha.. the only thing is that can’t really chit chat here coz it’s pin drop silence. But I’m thankful coz there are power plugs for my laptop too.. hahaha.. and I’m within walking distance to rescue my kids if there’s anything. 

Managed to do some work - finally sorted out my ad placement for secretary job. It’s work that takes too much time so I’ve been procrastinating it again and again. Finally got it sorted out. Hopefully the right person comes along. May God provides me with wisdom in choosing the right person ; and may He lead me to the right person for the job too! In Jesus name I pray, amen! 

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