Thursday, November 16, 2017

The past haunts..

Sometimes the past comes back and haunt I'm not talking abt some horror story.. but yes.. the past came and indeed haunt me.. the ex-bf msg me few days ago asking abt details of his policies. I arranged to meet him today bcoz it's easier to explain technical stuff face to face. I haven't seen him for ages.. he stopped doing any reviews after we splitted.. the wife was not comfortable abt it even though I suggested transferring to a colleague..she wanted to transfer to her agent, who turns out to be from a tied agency and unable to represent him.. so he ended up in no man land, with no adviser in my previous company.

So I met him today. I told mr choo prior that, bcoz I had nothing to hide.

And we did discuss work stuff and also stuff about how our lives have been since we parted.. and through the conversations, it just reminded and reaffirmed that we are not suited for each's starting his own biz selling some industrial goods after being retrenched 1 yr ago... but he says it's tough..bcoz of various reasons.. I think that was the start of how differing our views can be.. to him, obstacles are everywhere and it's not possible to succeed.. but for me, I view all these as challenges.. he asked "how can?" But I viewed as "why not ?" Being a self employed myself, much as everyone sees how successful I am, it is not without sweat / hard work / grit / perseverance. It is a thin line in mindset between  "I'm not good at it" vs "I need to overcome this".

In a certain extent I do pity the wife.. bcoz of his everything-not-gd attitude, I doubt he's contributing much to the household (be it in terms of $ or services).
If we had been together then, I would sing the tune of many wives that I know personally, who complain how their spouses are not bringing much to the table etc.. 难道今世的男人还以为带一点💰回家就很了不起了吗? 现代的女人不至需要赚钱,还要做妈妈,做maid 还有很多很多。

I wished I had more good things to say about him.. Coz this post wasn't intend to talk bad abt him.. 😒

It was intended to say how thankful I am that the man I see every night before I sleep is Mr choo..  that every time I go out to work, 我都可以很放心因为我知道他会好好的照顾孩子。。Much as how people say surely he should go out and get a job since the girls are older now, no one knows how much he has contributed to the household that money alone can't be measured. 我很感恩以为我有他。我是幸福的。我也希望我的朋友们能找到最适合他们的另一半, someone who can make the best of each other..

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