Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Holiday Aftermath

I had wanted to blog after the end of each day during the trip but got too tired to doing it. Came back and all 4 ladies were we landed in sg close to 1am and once we got home, it was busy unpacking and washing of all the clothes. 1 week of happiness coupled with 1 week of hectic housework. I asked mr choo if it was worth it all and he said yes. The girls and even I, enjoyed ourselves very much during this trip. 

It was not a hectic trip coz the places we went were sparsely populated. We could feed the farm animals as much as we wanted. It was different compared to the Singapore zoo where there usually are long queues when it's near feeding times. We could be in close proximity with the animals as well bcoz there wasn't many tourists. Lol.. simple holiday, the kind I like. 

I had thought I would have problems sleeping on the trip but the accommodation at Khao Yai, although simple, was close to nature. We woke up to the beautiful greenery and there were various "science stations" where Mr choo could explain its science theories to the kids. 

I could get a book and read while the girls play in the gym, or I could swing myself at one of its gigantic swings while enjoying the fresh air..

* me posing posing.. haha

The girls played very well among themselves throughout the trip and joy even invented a role-play of a card-stuck-in-machine game.

I was really thankful that they could invent games to keep themselves occupied.. didn't we all do that when we were young? 

This is one of the few trips that I actually had blues coming home..  to which I was pleasantly surprised. Thankful for this opportunity.

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