Wednesday, February 1, 2017


幸福是什么?在我眼里,幸福就是当我忙碌地在跑我的 appts 时,看到一盒热腾腾的晚餐在车上。对我来说,这就是幸福。虽然意大利面很简单,可是我还是很感动。知道他现在是忙到连睡觉的时间都没有,可是还会怕我又因为没时间而没吃晚餐。感恩。

While trying to gobble down my dinner before the next appt, I heard this song over the radio 。
It's by Sandy Lam : 

我怕來不及 我要抱著你 直到感覺你的皺紋 有了歲月的痕跡 
直到肯定你是真的 直到失去力氣 為了你 我願意 
動也不能動 也要看著你 直到感覺你的髮線 有了白雪的痕跡 
直到視線變得模糊 直到不能呼吸 讓我們 形影不離 

如果 全世界我也可以放棄 
至少還有你 值得我去珍惜 
而你在這裡 就是生命的奇跡 
也許 全世界我也可以忘記 
就是不願意 失去你的消息 
你掌心的痣 我總記得在那裡 

Just find this song so suitable to express how I feel at this moment. A lot of friends have been asking us how are we coping, be it if it's because of the big shift, the smaller space or being maidless. And my reply would be "actually not too bad". To be honest, we are coping much better than what I had expected; even when the floor is always littered with hair every now and then; or when our dog has been having pee accidents almost every day or when on some days, there's mountains of clothes waiting to wash>dry>fold/iron>store.

To me, all these didn't matter.. as long as we are staying together as a family, healthily. Ever so thankful for all the blessings in life, big or small; as long as we are together. Amen !

1 comment:

kiss my lips said...

Feel so happy and blessed for u!