Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Reflections 2016

It's the last day of the year and as always, I like to look back at what has happened and give thanks to the Lord.

2016 came back and left in a flash, such that I didn't have much memories of it, other then recalling that I blogged abt the last day of 2015. It felt like juz yday when I wrote that entry. There are a few things to be grateful for this yr:

1) good health in the family

2) 10 wonderful yrs in our marriage and many to come. 

3) I manage to find new passion in my work, thanks to Joy.

4) Joy
- she has been a darling this yr, especially the last few mths. Not as jealous of her younger siblings and more willing to step up in caring for the twins.
- I'm not sure if it's becoz we hv really made a lot of efforts to assure her our love for her, and spend time with her, that her emotions are more stable this yr. But irregardless the case, I'm thankful for her, her change and what she has done for this family.

5) The big move
- there's so many things to be thankful for with the big move. Yes, we have shifted to a place that's only half of the previous house and it is tiny, according to a lot of my frens.. Haha.. but tiny comes with its advantages too. Becoz it's tiny, we simply can't afford to keep too much junk. Things that aren't useful or we haven't use for at least the last 5~10 yrs, are to go. Becoz it's tiny, everyone is only allowed a certain amt of space for clothes, bags and personal stuff. So this means that no more excessive buying, be it for myself or for the girls. Becoz it is tiny, we also had to make sure the girls keep their toys when they r done playing. There is simply no place for laying around. So for this 1 week plus, I'm thankful that the 3 girls have been cooperative. They have also started to do some of the household chores now that our helper has went home for good. Thus far, they have been sweeping the floor and emptying the trash several times a day (currently their top favourite chore); folding their clothes and keeping it in their wardrobe; wiping the table after eating; and some simple dishwashing.  I've tried to iron my clothes a while ago, and trust me, the first and last time I did that was 10 yrs ago when I juz got married. Ever since then, Mr choo has been the iron man, with the task transferred to the helper a few yrs ago. While I was sorting thr clotheswith joy in the afternoon, she told me that the helper even ironed her inner wear and panties ! I was like.. ermmm.. mummy will try iron yr shirt.. and let's all try not to change so many sets of clothes from now onwards. Lol..
I guess the true test if all of us would b able to keep up with the chores would be when school / work starts. But no matter what, I'm sure God will prepare for what lies ahead. :)

As I looked at the new yr resolutions I made for 2016, I was actually quite pleased that I managed to achieve most if not all of what I had set to do. Yeah !
Thank God for all that He has provided for us in this household and may 2017 be a better year for all!

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