Sunday, February 12, 2017

How much do I need ?

While having dinner with my extended family on 元宵节, i was talking about going car-less when the current car expires; which would be in another 4 yrs time. My bro was quite was a very close family friend. Both felt that with kids, having a car has become a necessity than a want.  My bro, in particular, felt that we should abandon that idea since "it's not something we couldn't afford".

Perhaps it's true.. be it traveling with kids, or be it in terms of the affordability aspect. But my thoughts were quite simply because firstly by then, the twins would b 10 yrs old and joy would b 15. Certainly by then the transport system would b even more robust compared to now. Secondly, becoz they r bigger, the Amt of barang barang that we need to bring would b greatly the car becomes more of a want than a need. Thirdly, I would want the kids to be less reliant on cars. Maybe I think too much, but I don't want them to think that the car is a necessity when they start the workforce and thus be caught in the rat race. My bro is right in the sense that yes, we are more than able to still afford the car, but would our kids be able to afford given the increasing  cost of living?  As it is, most kids in sg has never seen the hard life that our parents or grandparents live in, and are unaware of how $$ comes from. My kids think that every time mama needs $$, she only needs to go press a few buttons at the machine aka Atm and $$ juz spurts out easily. 😂
This isn't what I want my girls to believe.
I used to live an extravagant lifestyle, only allowing William to bring joy to cafes or restaurants. To me, food courts were dirty and challenging to bring a toddler to, not to even mention hawker centres! Haha..Yes, that's me 7 yrs ago.. the-since-I-could -afford it, then y not ? After all, I certainly need some indulgences in life after working so hard, isn't it? Must we be living a lifestyle based on how much we earn or should we be living a lifestyle based on how much we need ? The me now believes in living a lifestyle based on need basis.. the only extravagant item that I'm still paying is the twins preschool, which will end in 2 yrs time. Yeah!😁

Anyway I've digressed..Haha.. lastly, it's for environmental reasons la. Let's all help cut down the CO2 emissions and lower the usage of energy. The family friend is a family of 4 and they hv 3 cars, my bro family has 2 cars..all 不环保.. hahaha.. I shall do my small part in saving the earth today..

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