Sunday, February 19, 2017

Jeremiah 33:3

"Call to me and I will answer you. I will tell you great and mighty things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

This was joy's "power verse" yesterday.

Each week, the kids in sunday school would have to memorise a power verse and also write a short 感想 of the verse. She had forgotten about this homework and was doing it in the car while waiting for the twins to finish their art class. It was not a difficult task for her coz she can usually memorise chunks of passage within a short span of time.

I was more curious on what verse it was and wanted to participate in the learning. Well the difference between a Christian kid and a Christian adult is that the adult are not given homework to memorise verses, which might not be exactly a gd thing. Anyway, took this time to memorise it too as I like how fitting it was. Was glad that I manage to do it under her guidance- 没有丢脸。she say I would forget it by the end of the day - she was right.

Thus I decided to pen it down, so that I can refer to it easily the next time.

Happy weekend!

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