Monday, January 25, 2016

Hfmd. .

Grace and vera got their 1st bout of hfmd juz a few days ago. The thought of hfmd itself was scary enough for me to say a few prayers every now and then. Anyway it really caught us unexpectedly coz joy had it when she was barely 2 yrs old. So when the twins were much younger I usually get very paranoid when I hear someone's kid has it. Was juz proudly telling another colleague of mine that the twins are coming to 4 yrs old and they have yet to get hfmd before. . Hahaha.. TA-DAN! AND it comes.. hahahaha

Thankfully it wasn't as bad as when joy had it. I remember during joy's time it got so bad that she didn't want to swallow anything, even her own saliva ! And of coz after she recovered, she spread it to me too.. lol.. the twins hfmd were a lot milder, with only a few spots at their throat..and that was that.. and I'm hoping that it ends at vera and not spread to anyone else.. and also becoz this week is my rest week so the hfmd came timely in the sense that we could spend extra time with the twins, juz playing and doing nothing. .Hehe. . I even managed to go on a cny shopping spree with joy this afternoon !

Praying that they recover soon and be well again!
Here's a few pics of us outdoors over the last weekend!

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