Saturday, January 2, 2016

On new yr resolutions

1st Jan came and left , just like any typical weekend with the kids and no school. We had home made pizza for lunch today and after nap, went to a neighbouring mall for dinner and jalan-jalan.

I haven't made new yr resolutions for a long while, maybe coz i hvnt had the determination to see thru it. But this yr I thought maybe I should list down the things I hope to see a change to:

1) FB
- I've deactivated my account again ! Yeah! I've done it before and I really like the days without FB. Perhaps will do this on a regularly basis. Life is a lot more free without FB and time can be channelled to doing other things.  😊

2) Exercise
- yes I want to kick-start back my exercise regime.  The few travelling trips+hectic work+festive kinda stop everything for a while.
- I want to exercise at least 3 times a week (my highest was 5 a week). I thought I never say this but I do enjoy the exercise regime and the level of energy it gives me.

3) Joy
- want to spend more 1 to 1 time with her. She is often the neglected one and I should give her more time together. Perhaps can push her together to do some exercise

4) blog more and attend church more regularly.

Hope that when 2017 comes I can look back at this and be proud that I did what I've said today.

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