Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sleepless night

The twins crept up to my bed at 330am and they kinda occupied the entire king size bed. Uncle pig is sleeping on the floor while I'm lying on the other end of the bed. I didn't manage to zz back unfortunately. Took the time to play some games , catch up on fb, did some quiet time and went back to my blog.

Saw the many past entries, some of our prayers for the family and friends.. some has come to past while some are still waiting for things to pan out. Re-reading the past entries it's like taking a time machine back to the past. . Where for many many things I've forgotten abt it.. or only agar Agar rem the gist of it.

It's amazing now tt the twins r coming to 4 yrs old, the same age when joy was ard when I was expecting.. yes, time juz fly past like tt.. how did we manage to do all these ? The frequent night feeds , the many tantrums , the sick episodes , and the many many challenges we went thru during this 4 yrs.. it's amazing coz God is with us.

Was just telling uncle pig this evening that our friend's daughter (15 yrs old ) is dating. .and how the friend is struggling to manage the r/s between her n the kid; and the BG r/s . I ask uncle pig how would we b able to cope when it's our turn, how would we react and how should we handle it ? The whole circumstances itself seems to b freaking me out too.. oops.. he, being him , says that when the time comes, we'll know how to do it. And God will be there to guide us, to nurture our kids. 😊

It's coming to 6am, almost 3 hrs since I was woken up by the girls. I rem that 4 yrs ago when I was still preg with them, I always have trouble sleeping back after my toilet visits. . Hehe.. how time flies.

Usually every Jan/Feb, my house will always smell like a hot oven with CNY goodies coz it's the time when uncle pig does some cny orders. This yr, he has decided not to take in any orders. (Sorry friends!) Coz it's really too tiring for him and time should b spend more wisely with the family. Time is the precious commodity here, more so than $. Not that we have a lot of $$, but bcoz recent episodes of health scare have made us more appreciative of time on earth. Nonetheless my house should still have his baking cny  creations. . Hahahaha.. Can't wait for him to start baking!

Going back to catch some sleep.. hopefully I can!

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