Sunday, January 3, 2016

My job..

Fear is when u think everyone is beneath u or when the world revolves around juz you yrself.

I hate it when people don't regard financial advisory as a professional job. Some see it as a sales job out to con people, some see it as a desperate job to hit quotas or targets. I hope to clarify this once and for all. It is a consultancy job and is much highly regarded compared to the likes of doctors and lawyers. I don't regard it as a sales job coz to me it don't required selling at all. When I meet people, I look thru their statements and the things they hope to achieve and provide solutions to the loopholes they have. Some would have already realized about the loopholes before meeting me while some would only come to realize it after I've highlighted to them. These are called blind spots. The solutions I've offered , will cover these loopholes, might not always be taken up for a few reasons. Eg budget constraints, unwilling to forego short term benefits for long term returns , fear of commitment etc and the list goes on. To me, my job is to highlight all these and if the clients do take up my proposals then gd for them and me .. but even if they don't, so be it. I don't push them or am I so hard up for the sale that I die die need it n be desperate or whatsoever. Coz to me this is a profession. Juz like how doctors can advise the course of treatments but patients can always choose to go for 2nd opinion or alternative treatments, they do have a choice. Bcoz of the way I conduct my biz, I do not get offended when people don't take up my proposals. But I do get v frustrated when some clients think that they can expect their agents to give them some rebates, be at their beck of call, postpone my appts for the nth time, or even expect their agents to meet them at some far far place within an hr. That is not the way I work. It doesn't mean that if u give me a lot of biz I will rush down whenever u call me (urgent or no urgent). I've done a lot of bona fide work and to some of my clients who give me very little money, they always feel guilty when I spend so much time with them. To which I tell them that it really doesn't matter whether u can give me $1 or $100,000 today. To me, if I can help u today, I've done what I have accomplished and that is enough. To those that have always been very encouraging, thank u for always trusting me and believing in me. To those who think their money is v big, I like to remind u that money is not the biggest asset we have in life. For that is transient. What is core is character. And if character is lacking then it sticks to u. And that, is sad.

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