Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today was the Day

- written on 25th May 2012 -

Today is a special day bcoz today is actually my EDD, the day the twins should hv turned 40 weeks. But of course they have arrived here abt a month ago.

Today is very important to me, not only bcoz it's my EDD but also bcoz it marks almost the end of the 1 month confinement. Yes, time flies and it's coming to a full month! Yeah! It's like a mini graduation whereby the mama greets the world w her newborns , and a chance for the world to see both mother n children. It marks the end of confinement, being enclosed n isolated for a mth..

Recalling back, I definitely enjoyed my 'honeymoon' this time round as compared to Joy's era. The previous round, I was so overwhelmed by the many changes and slipped into post natal depression pretty much early. But this time round, I was prepared. Like a student prepared to go to the exam hall, like a cancer patient preparing for her chemo fight, I was prepared not to let history repeat itself. I wanted to make this confinement (probably my last) a memorable and happy one. After all, receiving a new live(s) into our house is a joyous event n we shld b happy abt it. I'm glad tt I manage to do that. =p

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