Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy half a mth !

- written on 13th May 2012

Times flies and the gals are 15 days old! I've survived half a mth of confinement (C)! How amazing! I rem tt during the last C, I would hv cried buckets n buckets of water, for reasons tt didn't seem important anymore. But during this time round, C is pretty much more manageable, despite the fact tt we didn't hv any additional help at all. I'm so looking forward to the baby shower! Haha.. N then I would b able to assure my mom tt despite all her initial concerns, we survived! N to all the relatives tt had insisted we either hire a maid or a CL, we survived too! Haha.. * as one can see, I'm already on a high note juz thinking abt it!

Since the arrival of the twins, friends n close relatives hv been sms-ing /asking us how we r coping. And the standard usual qn would b "how's the twins?" , of which I would reply " they are gd! " I mean seriously, there's really nothing much to complain abt. They zz well, eat well n cry okie.. Haha..

The close 2nd question would be " are u still breastfeeding them?" This qn comes up ALL the time! It's as if there's no alternative solution to it but excuse me, there's still formula milk if I'm not bf-ing them, not that I'm not. It's as if the entire country has been brainwashed to believe tt breastfeeding is the best n there's strictly no other ways to go abt. Yes, I agree tt Breastmilk is the best for the child, but often, I don't know if it's more stressful breastfeeding the twins, or the stress tt comes fr answering all these pple, which is more jialat? The stigma of not being a worthy mother if u didn't bf yr child seems more overpowering then the struggles one face at the initial stage like sore nipples, blocked ducts, infection, fever, etc.

Yes, I know the benefits and yes I'm doing it. Then why am I so pissed? Becoz I feel tt the emphasis should b on the overall well being of both mother n child. I'm sure all mothers would want to bf exclusively but not all manage to do it, for various reasons. So rather than ask something total irrelevant (Seriously, how does one benefit by asking the mother if I m bf-ing my kids?), shouldn't the emphasis b on the kids or on the overall management of the household? Eg " r u coping well?" " would u need add pair of hands to help u over the weekend?"

I mean seriously , unless u r one of my "bf buddies/advisers" , I really appreciate if u don't ask. I hope no one ask a new mother especially, coz I'm sure she would feel even worse or hv shortchanged her child if she's not doing it.

I can't seem to emphasize enough tt the greatest gift a mummy can give to the child is LOVE and not milk!!! N i hope for all the new mummies out there, don't b stress abt milk la! The more stress u r, the longer it takes to come. After all, we all grew up w formula, didn't we? And all of us turn out okie too! Put the emphasis on rest in this crucial mth n taking care of yr precious addition(s). They need u. =p

Continuing to enjoy my confinement n my time with my precious gals and thanking God everyday for all the things He has created for us! God is good, all the time!

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