Tuesday, July 24, 2012

First day @ work

First day @ work

- written on 6th Jul 2012 -

Today I went back to work, almost ten weeks since I delivered. I thought I would hv stayed at home for a longer period of time, but both Uncle Pig & I felt tt it was better for me to go bk to wk. (read here)

I had tried working fr home abt two weeks ago but it was hard. There wasn't a moment that I was either feeding the twins, pumping or washing bottles. I was dead tired. And stressed. Their constant demands plus Mil surprise visits were giving me stress. I was worried also w how Uncle Pig was gonna cope when I was not ard. How would life be? How was he going to hv rest when he would b "on shift" 24 hrs a day.

I was worried yet excited when today came. Worried for obvious reasons; excited bcoz I love my work. I hate to admit this but my work gives me satisfaction n recognition. I was excited also bcoz I wanted Uncle Pig to know tt mayb it's really time to hire some help ; which he kept saying that it was not required.

Outcome of today?
It was gd. I enjoyed my time busying in the office, while he managed to cook dinner, n even ironed clothes today! He says that it's manageable n ask me not to worry. I was glad. Guess its back to work! Yeah!

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