Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One of those intense fights...

- written on 2nd jul 2012 -

the past two weeks have been hectic.. because everyone at home (except Uncle Pig) has fallen sick.. either a short 3 days or over a longer period.. the twins are down with wheezing, and Vera had it more seriously and had to be on nembilizer. Joy had her allergy cough and was coughing pretty bad.. haiz.. i too had those irritable cough too... and its at this time, the first time ever since the twins were here, that I really think having an extra pair of hands really really could help tight us over.. and this is the first time I quarrelled with Uncle pig over having a helper, so that we could focus on taking care of the kids, the now-demanding Joy, ever fighting for our attention, the small tiny twins and perhaps some couple time...

this was what I texted him (even though we both were in the house)....

" Sorry dear.. Mayb it's the menses, mayb it's the long day, mayb it's the sun, or mayb it's juz the long battle... But at this moment in time I juz wished for another pair of hands, someone to take over when u n I are exhausted, someone to wash the bottles when all I wanna do is juz watch a bit of tv n zzz, Someone to iron my clothes regularly so tt I don't hv to worry abt u not having enough rest; someone to supervise the twins while I spent some time alone w joy..

I know that most probably we end up underutilizing this extra pair of hands considering how hands on both of us r.. Maybe all this exhaustion will come to pass sooner than I thought.. But at this very moment, I hope tt u can reconsider hiring one again..."

So did he agree to hiring? Some might ask... of course.. no lah... he says no... no.... and no.... because in his view, the cons of hiring is more than pros... and yes, it might be tiring and exhausting now, but we will all overcome it eventually... (ya, right... but i cant see it yet, my dear..) I asked him does that mean I never will be able to go back to work, since it almost seem impossible for 2 of us to cope, and if i were to go back to work, then how would he be able to cope?

Uncle pig, being him, says I can go to work, as long as I'm ready, and not to worry. Becoz he is Uncle Pig (hahahha...) and he will be able to manage. At this very moment, I told him I'm going to work for 2 reasons:
1) If he can't cope, then yeah! We are hiring!
2) If he can cope, then gd la.. i can go back and work..else no income...then how to feed everyone?

So it seems like a win-win-win situation for everyone.. and so yes, i'm going back. yeah! Yeah to my freedom .. I didnt know working can be such a happy thing..but it is to me now, at this very moment...

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