Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes God answers faster than we expect

Was mulling abt Uncle Pig's remaining lease @ Fortune Centre. Even though we had informed our property agent back in Oct abt our intention to end the lease by the end of the yr, she has not started arranging for any viewings and our occasional checking with her was often met with snubs saying tat premature termination will result in us paying the penalties.. Blah blah blah.. 

It was not juz finding a prospective tenant tat was frustrating, but the heartache of giving up the shop; the Reno we painstakingly did; the many machinery and equipment and cabinets we bought for the shop and deep down in my heart, I knew tat we can't possibly carry all of it back to our house.

Tat was when a MSG from an ex-colleague came.. She has a friend who is looking for a baking kitchen, and would like to check if we would like to give up the shop! Gasp! Praise the Lord! Coz it would definitely be more worthwhile if we can transfer the lease with the current equipment to a prospective baker rather than selling individual pieces back to our supplier.. After passing our contact to my friend late last night, the prospective person called early this morning wanting to do a viewing today! Double Gasp! So urgent! So timely! So happy that this person came along.. 

The viewing was okie, the person "A" was also a home baker n wanted to get a small shop bcoz of the NEA licensing. Haha.. Sound so familiar.. Anyway we told her as much info as she needed and right now, I juz wanna pray to God for yr directions. 

Dear Father in Heaven, 
Thank you for dropping this contact to us. Lord, I pray to u right now tat you open this door to "A" if this is the right person to take over. Lord, if this is not the right person, I pray tat you close this door and let "A" find another more suitable place. Lord, we pray for yr guidance & directions.. Tat we wait patiently for the right person, in Jesus name I pray, amen 

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