Something abt uS: I married the love of my life at 25, and thus began our journey together as a family. Documenting this blog so that we can remember the journeys we go thru together; surviving parenthood, infertility, teenagehood and many more..
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Slow Saturday
Saturday, September 28, 2024
My after thoughts
Penning my thoughts after my solo convention. Decided to go for the convention on my own, coz there were quite a few of my advisers who qualified for the first time. And I wanted to be there with them, despite the fact that William can’t come along.
I got home sick even before the trip started. The hormones just hit me as I embarked on my >20hrs journey. Cried myself silly that the airline crew came to ask how was I when they noticed that I hardly touched my food. They probably saw the tears and offered me some KitKat! Hahaha.. that was really sweet of them.
But despite the homesick, the companionship was awesome. Met new friends, got to know some existing ones even better.
This is the irony of a convention I guess. If I had brought my family along, I wouldn’t have been that home sick, but that would mean I wouldn’t have been to hang out so much with my new found awesome traveling kakis.
I never thought I would show my vulnerability to people other than JM & J. But here I am happy to forge deeper relationships with these two.
I didn’t realize how much I’m going to miss the time we spent together until I started penning this. This trip must have been a gift from God, who send these 3 angels here, so that I could enjoy myself fully as an individual, as me, not mama choo..

Doing a mask on the plane and missing the nights where we chatted and put on masks! We probably did more masks for the whole of this week compared to the last 1yr.
Looking back at my Mexico photos, I realize we didn’t take that much pictures together. But the memories will always stay with me. Thankful for new found friends. Thankful for stepping out and trying something different.Thank God for everything!
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
After two movies, I didn’t feel like watching anymore. Another 3 more hrs before I reach Tokyo, and continue the second leg to LAX.
Without realisation, I started crying.
Emo came knocking.
I miss my family. I miss William and the kids. I tried to numb the pain by buying crazy at Changi just now. Bought a stash of make up and skincare essentials, but it did little to cheer me up.
Barely touched my lunch and the friendly airplane crew kept checking if they could give me a replacement meal. It’s nice to be taken care of, especially when it’s usually me taking care of my kids.
Oh God, I miss home so much, though the mooncake and Kit Kat did help provide some comfort.
I ended up chitchatting in the family chat with the girls. They would have been delighted to be on the long flight. To be able to watch unlimited TV for so long, is a dream come true for Vera.. lol..
I know I’ll be fine once I meet up with the ladies. I know I’ll end up enjoying myself, enjoy the little break, enjoy the uninterrupted sleep etc.
Will try to do some work, work that I haven’t been able to touch when it was crazy hectic last week.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
The last few days have been tough, especially when the appts have died down.
I finally manage to start packing for the trip. And it is so tough. To pack and leave the family behind for a week.
The crazy thoughts started on Friday - that mayb I should try to skip it entirely. Thinking of 101 ways to skip it legitimately. The thoughts probably got so loud that I ended up telling to a colleague in the lift! And he wasn’t even that close to me..
Why don’t I wanna go?
- Coz I feel that I haven’t spend enough time with the kids, be it the teenager; the psle twins or even the toddler.
- I haven’t work enough for this mth/quarter/season. Work has been crazy hectic but not all work translate to my personal sales directly. Work now has many meanings: personal sales, coaching, training, attending mgmt meetings etc and the list goes on. I checked my last two weeks schedule and everyday was filled with meetings.
- I felt like I made the wrong choice to go.
- Packing is a chore. I always seem to bring the same few sets of clothes there. I’m afraid that people recognise that I’m always wearing the same clothes.. sad truth
Before I go on and on abt it, I stumbled onto a post abt choices and how time is finite. And because of this, we shouldn’t waste time in doing things that we doing enjoy / being stuck in situations that we felt forced to.
I probably felt compelled to go coz I had no choices. But is that really right? I think I can really get an MC if I want to and skip the whole thing. Just that mere thought kinda change my perspective 180 degrees.
Perhaps I should think of why I wanna go?
- Jiamin will be there besides fun Angela! Hahahah.. and I wanna celebrate their success with them. And mine too!
- It will serve as a good break for me too.
- It will b good if I can speak to 2 other practitioners not in my company. My client, L, told me, to start small. Don’t make myself over stimulated. She taught me some tips and it will be nice to put them into practice.
They say the truth will set us free. I do hope that I’ll be able to sleep well tonight, esp after I’ve aligned my thoughts.
God, pls heal me completely. The lingering cough, esp during the nights are extremely tough. I’m starting to stress that it will affect JM sleep when we reach Mexico. God, guide me, in yr ways, show me the things that I can’t see. God, give me yr super powers so that i can reach out to people! In Jesus name I pray, amen!
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Weekend blues
The boy who had multiple meltdowns today, for various reasons. Clearly he is overdue for his nap, but he isn’t willing to zzz.
His other “twin” also had a major meltdown this morning too, due to insufficient zzz plus unable to regulate her emotionally during her Math revision.
Times like this, I struggled. I wished I have the wisdom to better manage my own thoughts as well as my kids.
If anyone told u that parenting is a breeze or is always a bed of roses, don’t believe in that myth! Yes it brings along its joy and fulfilment, but it’s never a breeze or always cheerful. It comes along with tears and frustrations, that’s why the whole parenting journey is filled with bittersweet memories.
I went for a run this morning bcoz it’s the best way to get endorphins without calories.. lol.. and as much as I enjoy swimming, jogging is the only exercise that my kids will allow me to go without causing an uproar. The toddler would never allow me to swim without him. Plus the sun makes swimming in the mid day an equal challenge to my face which is already filled with age.. hahahahaha..
Also I like to do things which I find it hard to accomplish. It’s a form of discipline. It requires hard work to resist taking the easy route. It requires discipline to continue.
Hopefully I’ll be able to do this for the next 29 days!
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Emo Weekend
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Growing Old pains
Barely 1 week after I made a new pair of reading glasses, I stopped wearing them bcoz it’s simply too troublesome to keep switching between the normal one vs the reading glasses. My joy was short lived.
And then I accidentally saw a promo for progressive lens at Owndays, and walked in. And long story short, I made another pair of glasses, and the price tag for either one was 🙈🙈🙈
最气人的应该是 I thought of using the promo to get an affordable pair but end up topping up so much for all the little things that I told my colleagues I’ll chop off my hands if I were to get another pair before end of the year. Aging is painful, and as much as I wanna say “人老心不老”, I think I’m more like “年轻真好、年轻就是本钱”
A colleague send this to me while doing office decluttering. This is the “年轻真好” era where I wasn’t afraid of anything, always willing to try new ideas and never too shy to share my work ideas with clients and strangers. I thought I actually look better then, with the bouncing cheeks and youthful eyes, but my friends thought otherwise (or mayb they are just trying to be kind).
May I always have the childlike attitude towards life, towards my work and towards everything.
P/s: They say progressive lens take a while to get used to it, and I can see why. Hopefully I’ll make good use of this hefty investment.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Bit by bit, better with each attempt
Monday, August 12, 2024
Our long weekend
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Intentional Coincidences
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Friday, July 26, 2024
A day of randomness
Thought I come back to this since I had the afternoon free. Actually I had the whole day free coz my lunch appt got postponed and my next appt is 8pm.
Thought I could sew the entire afternoon coz the sun was bright etc. but just a few stitches in, I took out my glasses and continued another few more, and called it a day.
Patience my dear.. let’s just wait for my reading glasses to be here. Aging is a nuisance, and I’m starting to see things in William POV.. hahaha..
Not going to do anything constructive today.. hahaha.. just looking at the scenery right out of my balcony, it’s and blogging and soaking in the fresh air and hot sun.
3 things to be thankful for:
1. I had a slow breakfast with the two men and drove Joash to school without any accident.
2. I watched a lot of nonsense videos today.. hahaha.. just not doing anything important today. It’s a rare indulgence.. haha
3. I had a fruitful evening zoom appt. Suggested getting life/term plans for my clients’ kids but they wasn’t interested. It just reinforced what JM said to me when I was guilt tripping myself: “Insurance will never be enough when something happens, but will be too much when nothing happens.”
I’m glad that I’ve said what I think is impt; I’ve done my part and if they don’t wan, it’s completely fine! I’m just irritated when things happen and then I start blaming myself “why didn’t I recommend this etc”
Financial adviser is a tough job for people who think too much (me).. hahahaha..
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16 NIV
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Night swim
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Emo week
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Tapping Out
Monday, July 15, 2024
Tough week
Happy nails to an otherwise tough week..
I saw this bible verse on Joash artwork from church on Saturday. Trying my best to remind myself of God’s promises though at this moment in time, it did little to comfort me.
The last week has been extremely tough.
I had a heart to heart talk with Joy to brtter understand her condition. Turns out she has been in extreme pain for longer than I thought. When I asked why she never once told us abt it, her only reply to us was she didn’t want to be an additional burden to us coz our hands are full with the other 3 kids. My heart broke once again. 😭😭😭 My sensible teenager who thought it’s better that she just swallow her pain so that she doesn’t cause further trouble to us.
I ended up killing myself for the first few days bcoz of this.
“Had I not paid enough attention to her such that she didn’t think it was safe to speak up?”
“Why didn’t I notice the signs?”
“What kind of mom am I when I don’t even know what’s the name of her illness?”
“Why have we given her bad genes?”
“Why can’t I be the one suffering?”
And then the financial mom went to check her coverage. My planning for my own kids or my clients’ kids have been consistent. Get H&S for them and a basic whole life plan and they can always top up the rest when they start work.
But this will no longer be an option for her. Her condition meant she can no longer buy any insurance.
Has my planning been flawed? On hindsight I should have gotten an additional huge term with convertibility, so that the parents / kids have a chance to top up without health assessment.
This I shared with my client during the Saturday review. I ended up tearing during the appt, which was so unexpected. I had spoke too much that my wound hurts.
In fact the last week I ended up crying everywhere when some of my friends asked. Haiz.. I was a total wreck.
I felt that I had failed in so many areas: 做妈妈也没做好,做我唯一会做的工作也没把它做到完整。
“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”
Psalms 40:1-2 NIV
Praying for God’s healing upon her and wisdom to ride thru this journey together. Praying that I will be out of the woods soon. Amen!
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Life is short
Friday, July 5, 2024
My cheerleaders
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Happy birthday to me!
Monday, July 1, 2024
New Findings
I always believe that the truth will set one free.
And today, while doing the dishes at 5am, (I didn’t need to but I just wanted to help William in the little things), I had another aha moment.
I really don’t enjoy doing chores, not even the dishes. And I’m grateful that I get to choose to do something enjoyable like my work, every single day. I get to, it’s my choice. My freedom and at least I’m enjoying my work, not like some friends whom I know where work is stressful and no purpose and is stuck.
The moment where I get to “escape” to work, is liberating.
I get to empower people with financial knowledge.
I get to empower my advisers with knowledge so that they are more confident facing their clients.
I get to see their metamorphosis. Some faster than others.
I get to hug my kids in the morning, and spend time with each of them.
I get to travel overseas with my colleagues and family, mostly funded by company. People who know me, know how much I dread going on such trips. But it’s a privilege.
I get hugs from the little boy who can kiss and kiss me in the mornings for as long as I wanted, and as many times as I requested. Yes, the struggles of having a toddler is exhausting, but there are perks alongside with it.
The word “get” changes one’s mindset. It shifts from being forced to do, to having a choice to do. Instead of saying “I have to work to pay bills”, say “I get to work bcoz it’s the only few things in life I enjoy doing, besides eating and cross-stitching”
“I get to hold meeting groups bcoz there are people who needs help”
Shall try to go back to zzz. It’s 6am now. Oh well.
I was so touched by what she wrote. It is a good reminder/affirmation. I’m thankful for this reminder. Coz just last week, I felt defeated and deflated, and wondered if what I was doing was changing things.
And then when I read the book last week abt “get” vs “have to”, it changed my mind.
And this morning, the gift was another affirmation.
Might seem trivial to some, but it means a lot to this emo kid (me).
In fact, my emo “younger twin” dated me next week for a floral arrangement class!
These are my babies whom we have grown so much closer in the last 11 mths.. and these are babies whom I’m waiting for one day, to 超越我。And when that happens, my job is complete.
Thankful for the opportunity to guide them, to be their “mother” and to lead them. The best is yet to be.