Sunday, September 1, 2024

Weekend blues

The boy who had multiple meltdowns today, for various reasons. Clearly he is overdue for his nap, but he isn’t willing to zzz. 

His other “twin” also had a major meltdown this morning too, due to insufficient zzz plus unable to regulate her emotionally during her Math revision. 

Times like this, I struggled. I wished I have the wisdom to better manage my own thoughts as well as my kids. 

If anyone told u that parenting is a breeze or is always a bed of roses, don’t believe in that myth! Yes it brings along its joy and fulfilment, but it’s never a breeze or always cheerful. It comes along with tears and frustrations, that’s why the whole parenting journey is filled with bittersweet memories. 

I went for a run this morning bcoz it’s the best way to get endorphins without calories.. lol.. and as much as I enjoy swimming, jogging is the only exercise that my kids will allow me to go without causing an uproar. The toddler would never allow me to swim without him. Plus the sun makes swimming in the mid day an equal challenge to my face which is already filled with age.. hahahahaha..

Also I like to do things which I find it hard to accomplish. It’s a form of discipline. It requires hard work to resist taking the easy route. It requires discipline to continue. 

Hopefully I’ll be able to do this for the next 29 days! 

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