Thursday, August 22, 2024

Growing Old pains

Growing old is painful. And I can imagine as the coming years come, it will just get more painful. 

Barely 1 week after I made a new pair of reading glasses, I stopped wearing them bcoz it’s simply too troublesome to keep switching between the normal one vs the reading glasses. My joy was short lived.

And then I accidentally saw a promo for progressive lens at Owndays, and walked in. And long story short, I made another pair of glasses, and the price tag for either one was 🙈🙈🙈 

最气人的应该是 I thought of using the promo to get an affordable pair but end up topping up so much for all the little things that I told my colleagues I’ll chop off my hands if I were to get another pair before end of the year. Aging is painful, and as much as I wanna say  “人老心不老”, I think I’m more like “年轻真好、年轻就是本钱”

A colleague send this to me while doing office decluttering. This is the “年轻真好” era where I wasn’t afraid of anything, always willing to try new ideas and never too shy to share my work ideas with clients and strangers. I thought I actually look better then, with the bouncing cheeks and youthful eyes, but my friends thought otherwise (or mayb they are just trying to be kind). 

May I always have the childlike attitude towards life, towards my work and towards everything. 

P/s: They say progressive lens take a while to get used to it, and I can see why. Hopefully I’ll make good use of this hefty investment. 

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