Saturday, June 5, 2021

Growth spurt

Just as I thought I’m going to be stuck with my pump forever, J had his first growth spurt on Thursday. He just kept drinking and drinking and refused to zzz... such that william and joy had to take turns to make him to zzz but he wasn’t sleeping well. 

So I took out my boobs and let him latch. Coz it’s easier to overfeed a baby with a bottle, then with my boobs la.. lol.. 

So in between his feeds, I was his dessert.. hahaha 

It felt good to be able to latch him and not b stress over it. It was still enjoyable during the afternoon but by his last feed (10pm), we gave him the bottle and all 3 of us fell asleep! William and I were afraid that he would wake up an hr later so better zzz while we could.. hahaha.. been so long since I zz at 10pm but it felt good !

This was taken by grace just a few days ago. I’m feeling better now, the blues seem to be gone for now, for which I’m thankful. 

Maybe it’s bcoz I had more sleep, or bcoz I had work as a distraction, or simply bcoz I’ve 看开 over the breastfeeding demands, I’m okie (for now). Life isn’t just abt how long u pump , or how much the baby drink etc ..hahaha.. mental health for the mama is also v impt too.


This chek chek takes so many selfie with the little man with my hp.. lol.. she calls him “the big boss”.. hahah

Thankful that they are hanging around well..

1 comment:

Ac said...

I really think the girls are all sooo sweet. Joy has grown up to be such a mature girl. Grace is just so adorable and loving and warm. Vera is so loving to her siblings!