Thursday, March 26, 2020

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.
Psalms 94:19 NIV

Such a beautiful verse to accompany me for the night. Had fallen asleep while making grace zz for the night and only woke up 2 hrs later, feeling wide awake. The jittery her is going for her op tomorrow morning and thus has been "rewarded" with a night with mama.. I didnt think much abt the op, but probably the nervousness has hit me now. After all, with every op, there are risks involved. I do hope, this will be the end of her freak accident. After almost 18mths of follow ups, 1 of her 2 burn scars has healed completely (Praise God!) while the other has grown to become a small hill. And over time, it has led to her being very conscious of her choice of clothes and her self esteem as well. And becoz it has also started to hurt/itch occasionally with signs of growth, we decided to go for the op to remove it completely. 

Praying for God's protection on her, that there would b no complications from the op, that she will have complete healing. Praying also for an uncle, who is currently in hospital for a bad fall, that he recovers soon. Praying that God will also protect all singaporeans from the current virus; and to give wisdom to our leaders in leading us. In Jesus name I pray, amen..

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