Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Went for an appt today. Client referred his student to me who said she wanted to get hospitalization plans for her parents. I went down to their place at Jurong west. It was a panel meeting, with 3 siblings. 2 were nice simple folks but the eldest son was the stuck up kind. All 3 were below 30. Budget was a constraint so I recommended a lower tier plan. The appt lasted for 2 hrs. I explained all their queries. The 2 sisters were appreciative and thanked me at the end of the appt. The bro wanted to consider. I told them that I could come back again should they decide to get it from me.

I left the appt. I was light hearted. I wasnt complaining or upset. (I could if I wanted to) but The word God gave me was obedience. To obey and do my best in serving others. To not look to man but to Him and fulfil His plans for me. I decided to give thanks coz: 1)At least I had an appt. 2)At least my client thought well of me to refer. 3)Even if they dont get from me, I hope they would get it soon. 4) I manage to educate someone today. 5) count my blessings.

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV

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