Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I'm flat, dead tired. Time now is 340pm; waiting for my 3rd and last appt for the day. Has been a hectic day for me and tom is equal hectic if not worse.
I know I said that this week will b light duties but things just happened.. dropped the twins in school today; after which William and joy send me to wdl where I had 2 appts. (1130am and 1230pm) Picked me up at 2pm and we had lunch. Drove me back to office so that I could pick up some documents before dropping me at kovan now for my last appt. Joy was still sleeping in the car when I alighted. Guilty that the two of them had to round around with me but William felt that it was necessary bcoz 1) I would b exhausted before my appts ended ; 2) good that joy knows that mama work is not easy peasy. The kids need to know that mama earns 血汗钱..lol..
Though there weren't any new revenue from the appts , it was still a fulfilling day. I love to share my knowledge with the people I meet, to help them in their financial situation. :)
I just wished that I had more energy to do more but brain dead is how I'm feeling now. When I was in the office just now, jm helped me printed the documents beforehand so that I could just pick and go. (So thankful) and in the midst of our conversation, I told her that I'm sorry..coz my mouth is talking faster than my brain reaction..😅😂😂
Tom schedule is 8am/10am/12 noon... thankfully they are all within walking distance.. and I hope I can cope with the admin aftermath thereafter.. 
Looking forward to the church conference and staycation next week.. I can do this.
Ended the appt at 430pm and William fetched all of us home. I know he's tired too.. taking a breather before the twins come back fr school..  we are going for waffles today coz it's 50% off on Tuesday!
Thankful for all that God has provided and as long as this is the place He wants me to be at, I will continue to serve Him til the end.

I need a nap NOW..😉

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