Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Happy 12!

The hubby and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary a few days ago. If a decade was meant to b significant in the modern society , then perhaps 12 yrs means the same in the Chinese way..lol.. like a full circle , covering all the animal zodiac. Just kidding..

If one would see my past and how my childhood shaped me, I certainly won't be expected to get married and with 3 kids ! Even my mama was surprised that I got married so young and went on to have so many kids. And all of this, is only possible bcoz of God. I grew up in a family where my dad always had many other women. His wife , aka my my mom was always v unhappy abt the marriage and how she was "tied" to the family bcoz she was a homemaker and had no means in supporting her kids etc. I rem my bro and I had to be the mediators for their quarrels during our teenage yrs. I also rem being my mom's listening ear and how she always empathise that it's impt to earn my own $, so that I didn't need to 看别人的脸色. What she didn't know was that (subtle parenting) I had decided that marriage was not for me. There were too much insecurities and uncertainty that living on my own and depending on myself was the way to go.

And that was why even after I started dating uncle pig, I always picked on him or initiated break ups. I was like a volatile penny stock, with my many ups and downs. I was without God then. We were both non Christians.

We broke up for the final time in 2004. But God knew better. We met again in 2005, after I saw the flowers he sent to office. Kinda feeling pissed that this guy is still pestering, I called him and told him to meet up. I wanted to end this once and for all.

We went to a park/beach (I can't really rem the details.. lol). What i could remember was alighting from the car and hearing God speak to me. He said that the man here is the most suitable person for me. More successful guys will come after him, but not one as suitable. And with this, I decided to marry him.. and we got married 15mths after this, on 11 Jun 2006

Amazing isn't it? Some friends say I'm mad. We got married when I was 25. My parents objected to it but I had decided. God's msg to me was clear. I had peace.

Did it mean that life was then a bed of roses ? Of coz not la...lol.. but God was the centre of our marriage life. When we had our quarrels, we prayed and looked back at God . When we faced temptations, we prayed to God. God never gave us too big an obstacle to handle. He was always with us, for which I'm grateful. Coz if I'm a normal person without God, coupled with my childhood plus not so supportive parents , we probably won't last 3 yrs in marriage..  hahaha...(my parents have since accepted the marriage.. lol..)

Thankful for God who has sent u to me, who has changed both of us, and who has blessed us with 3 beautiful daughters.

To the man who said he would b a frog, so that I could b his princess; I love you and may we grow old together..


J1am1n said...

Happy Anniversary once again! Wanted to say this on fb, but i feared it may sound too 浮夸。。 indeed, I really feel that William and you are 天生一对! So for many more years to come, and happy anniversary!

kiss my lips said...

so touched... it must be nice to have such firm believe and signs sent to you that makes you take the plunge against all odds. u both deserve happiness!

Lena said...

Haha...thanks dear.. how come u never zzz at 230am ah ?

Lena said...

Yes indeed.. with God, all things are possible.. I can only count my blessings that He has given me so much