Saturday, January 20, 2018

Parenting 101

Attended parents briefing at Joy school yday and thought I write down some thoughts before i forget. The parents briefing is held every yr in Jan to give the parents an overview of the curriculum and the exams structure. William used to be the one attending it when we still had the helper but since last yr, I had been the one in charge.

Bcoz Joy is now in P5, there was a short talk at the hall before parents move to the respective classes. The principal started the opening speech. She has lost so much weight (due to cancer) 😔 and I didn't see much of her last yr. I heard William say that she has lost weight bcoz he still sees her in some of the school events but seeing it myself for the first time breaks my heart. She could just tender or continue her sick leave but big events, you will still see her making an effort to come, to talk to us. I really like her and joy is so blessed to have her as a principal. One of the things she said yday was time with the (our) girls is most impt..she remembered that when she first joined the school, this level was just p1 and now they are p5 already..she misses the out of action phrase and hope she could come back asap to watch the girls grow..awww...brings a tear to me..

Joy on her first day in school - 2013

Indeed, time passes so fast and we must cherish time with the girls,hold and hug them, to love them abundantly. That's our task as parents isn't it? Sometimes we forget that what the kids need is love and time for them. Not another gadget, or trip, or another toy.

Coincidentally, Joy is in 5Love this year and her form teacher told us that their class motto is this :
" Everyday may not be a good day,
But there is something good out of every day."

To remind the kids to give thanks everyday no matter how challenging it seems.

Communication with the girls is very impt too.. the principal asked " what is the first qn you ask yr child when she comes home?" " Have any homework today?"
I saw some nods and laughter.. I'm glad I'm not guilty of this..hahahaha.. be interested in the child's life in school ; e.g. her friends , the trends they talking abt now, not always abt homework and homework.

"No one cares how much you know,
Unless they know how much you care. "

This applies to our kids too.. n i just can't emphasis how important it is.

"Be there, support and encourage"

Support our kids as they try to manage their primary yrs. Use words of encouragement and not words to kill. Coming back after a long day from school, hug the child, spend time to take a breather and not breathe down their necks to do homework.

In other news, I chopped off my hair a few days ago.. currently loving the new haircut. Hahaha

At the salon when it was done.. of coz it no longer look so styled liaoz..but i was pretty for that day..hahaha

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