Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My busy schedule..

Just came back not long ago from work.. I'm exhausted..  felt that my brain couldn't function properly towards the end of the day..  mayb I'm really old liaoz..

my schedule for today is as follows:
10am appt @ sengkang
12pm review appt @ sembawang
2pm head back office for paperwork
430pm review appt @ Siemens
- got caught in the heavy jam and rain that I had to reschedule
530pm pick joy from tuition and head home
630pm dinner at home
730pm appt at sengkang
- the 10am appt had a change of mind..wanna switch to another proposal so had to meet again in the evening
830pm appt at seletar

I was zoned out by the time evening came and even dinner failed to perk me up..lol.. looking at the schedule it did seems hectic.. But if i were to look at it from the sales prospective, there wasn't much harvest..most of the appts are at the planting stage I guess..

True be told.. I'm exhausted with the packed schedule..and I ask myself why on earth did i packed myself like crazy.. i know i should b thankful that I have 满满的 appts..but I know I'm not as sharp when I stretched myself.. and I also don't like to rush my clients.. or appear tired in front of them.. 😉

Praying for wisdom and God's guidance.. praying for God's strength as I begin this mth of planting.. praying that I remind myself to breathe and pray even in the midst of the hectic days.. it's important to put Him first.

#backtobasics #prayer #God

1 comment:

kiss my lips said...

a bit too much la.. pls take care u r not robot!