Thursday, January 11, 2018


Following my Emo rant, Mr choo decided to b the chauffeur yday for my appts. I don't know if he had decided right from the start when we were going for our lunch before I start my work day or he decided as the day progresses. My schedule was as follows :
12noon lunch with mr choo
2pm parkway parade
4pm Siemens
7pm office

It was more spaced out compared to yday but the driving was insane given a that it was raining the entire day..i sat in the car feeling so blessed that I have him to rely on- to bring me to the places safely and don't need to worry abt parking or rain seeping into the engine etc.. n bcoz of this, it brings sanity to me. I feel better during the appts though i was all tired out by the last appt.

Need to remind myself that it's days like that which pushes his schedule backwards and not that he just nuan at home.

Having lunch with him today before I start my work day. Will have to drive myself today coz our timings hopefully the traffic will have mercy today on me.. 😉

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