Monday, December 4, 2017

My PK..

Why can't they sell self confidence over the counter? $50 / 2hrs ? Only for super crucial events? 

That was what I asked joleen, after my PK appt.. to summarize, last week client called me. She sounded quite upset. Apparently, she met up with her friend who had recently became a banker / sales consultant and together with another senior, they tried to pressure my client to buy a plan. My client was v uncomfortable abt it and called me for S.O.S. She asked if I represented that company as well, to which I said yes. She asked if I know abt the plans well, to which I said yes too. It was taught to us a few mths ago when it was launched so it was fresh in the mind. Here comes the uncomfortable part. She wanted to meet me and the banker/her friend together. She wanted me to explain to the banker why it was not appropriate to her, especially since we only had our review 2 mths ago. In fact, for the past 3yrs though we had met regularly for reviews, I had not recommended her any plans. Reason was simple. Her cashflow was tight, too tight. Any more commitments would b uncomfortable. Or at least that's what I thought. But when someone comes along and says/package/sell a plan until that it sounds too good to be true, then probably can consider?

So anyway I was supposed to meet both of them and it's not the kind of appts that I enjoy. I don't see the purpose of meeting coz the client agreed (after my explanation) that financially it probably isn't the right time to commit to more plans now. And the client understood and agreed.. then why do we stil need to meet the banker? Especially when the client isn't even comfortable to let her friend knows what she has.

My client felt that the banker and his senior weren't professional when they propose plans even without asking what she has and didn't disclose the fine prints when she asked further. And she wanted her friend to learn since he was new in the mkt..

Seriously I'm not that kind of super confident adviser la.. and I'm not the kind that use IPad or laptops down to earth, dinosaur agent who stil use pen and paper. Bankers are the packaged agents that always look glam and pro kind.. and I was like the exact opp.. even though the facts were in my favour, I was dragging my feet to it..

I spoke laymen terms.. why it was not suitable etc.. I didn't package my words but I'm thankful the client was on my side. She texted me this when I reached home.

I didn't do much for the appt.. didn't wayang wayang .. I told joleen after the appt that I won not bcoz I was the more gungho adviser but bcoz the banker kept going on and on abt how good their investment/life/retirment plans are... like best in the market..  🙄 seriously..  for all the different class plans , the banker confidently said that they are the best in the market..  🙄🙄

I told joleen after that how could anyone had that kind of confidence and say that kind of statements when it wasn't even exactly true..why can't I be more confident abt myself? I told her I wish I could get self confidence OTC.. Lol.. jm said that though we don't have self confidence, we believe in the work we do and it was always in the best interest of the clients and not my pockets.  In this case i was blessed that the client was on my side. For which I'm grateful. I always believe that as long as we speak the truth, we don't need to rem a thing. Coz the truth don't change. I believe that as long as you plan with the clients best interest at heart, then there is nothing to fear.

1 comment:

kiss my lips said...

I too cannot understand how people cn lie through their teeth and say theirs is the best when they dont even know whats out there!