Saturday, December 16, 2017

Back to origins..

This was where it all started..  Haven bakery

The log cakes he did for cell party

As Mr choo is busy baking his log cakes for tomorrow cell grp party, I couldn't quite recall how haven bakery started it's humble beginnings. You know, over time, memory comes in bits and pieces, here and there.. Lol.. and the baker wasn't sure either so I did a small search..

It all started when the engineer turned stay at home papa decided to take some baking course since joy has settled down in childcare. He was bored at home and his supportive wife (ME!) told him that he should do something that he would not have the time to do it, if he had a full time job. And so he did. The course turned out well and he even went on to take a professional course with the school there after.
And so he started baking cakes for me to bring to office for the colleagues to test and critique. It was still pretty much trial and error. A few months later, it was the Xmas gifting session and I told him that perhaps he could help me bake a few so that I could give to some of my clients and friends. And thus it all started, at the balcony of our old place, where he started his first proper order - log cake. Both of us couldn't recall how much he baked for his maiden order but 1 thing led to another. One of my clients, upon tasting the log cake, likes it so much that she insisted that he bake for her son's 1 yr old cake. The theme was Thomas the train.

The engineer in him conceptualize the cake in the middle of the train tracks so that Thomas could go around the cake. I believe he was the first to have thought of it back then and it was a hit! And the rest is history.

The late night bakings; the smell of cake; his signature strawberries and his pursuit for details all floated in my mind as he started preparing for the party tomorrow. It all seemed like yesterday when it first began.

And it is only by God's grace that we could weather thru all the highs and lows, the challenges which I'm grateful for. Coz each challenge is a lesson for God to mould us, to use us, for bigger things in life. I pray that God, you use this man, use his skills, to touch the lives of others. Though it might not be possible for him to do it on a biz scale, I do hope that we could use his skills to bake for the underprivileged or for some communities etc. I do not know who or what, but I know, my God, you know what's best for us. And may we be able to use the most of our abilities to touch the lives of others we meet. - amen


kiss my lips said...

i still feel quite bum that when it came to my kids turn, haven bakery has stop baking :'( Recommended him to 2 friends kids bday cake and really like it la!

Lena said...

Hahaha.. we are v blessed to have the love of u and many of his customers ah..we didn't expect that we would close it permanently..had always thought somehow we could manage eventually.