Saturday, August 5, 2017

On being maidless (part2)

It has been 7 mths since the helper has left. Every once a while the twins will ask for her, or request for her to come back. To which I would explain to the twins given that we want to continue to stay at the current place it is challenging for us to find a place for "auntie" to stay in, although they have suggested the living room or their bed room etc. And it is tempting to ask her to come back. The thing I missed abt having her around most, is the chance to sneak out with uncle pig in the late evening for some supper or juz some paktor time. Or the luxury of us spending some time with joy outdoors while the twins are napping at home. Nowadays, we usually just b in charge of 1 grp..either I would b taking joy to her classes etc or he would bring the twins out .. coz of their age gap, it's quite challenging to find an activity that is suitable for all 3 at a slot. The few activities we have managed to do so are swimming classes and church.. lol..

Of coz, asking her to come back also comes with its cons.  The first con I can immediately think of is I probably would outsource the toileting/bathing tasks to her , and I would b privileged to be more reliant on her.. asking her to do tasks that I shld be doing but not doing.. over the course of 4 yrs while she was with us, I did become "lazier". Mr choo probably would hand over all the household chores to her too. And the girls probably won't have a chance to help out in the chores too. The thing abt not having her ard is that, no matter how exhausted we/mr choo is, the show muz go on. The clothes still need to b ironed, the dishes need to b washed up (God won't send an angel to help wash it while we are sleeping) and we stil need clean their poo. This is called responsibility I guess. It is that even if the world seems too hard to handle, we still need to suck it up, and do.

There are times when I would b tempted to ask the village to move back to the old house and thus earn the right to hire a maid, but the possibility that I would b over reliant on her, juz tilts the decision back. At the end of the day, I do hope that my kids learn to do some chores together.

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