Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Conversations with joy..

Joy: mummy, is "unaware" a real word?
Me: yes it is
Joy: mummy, then is "unawares" a real word?
Me: no I don't think so.. why ?
Joy: mummy, you sa-lah (wrong). Unawares is a real word
Me: Huh?? Then can u 造句 with it?
Joy: " I was caught unawares by the news that John is coming"
Me: wow..okie.. but is that the right sentence structure ? It sounds so weird..

According to her, she wrote this in her sch compo.. and when her classmate did "peer marking", her classmate underlined it highlighting the mistake. Joy told her it was not wrong and her classmate decided to ask their teacher. But before they can ask the teacher, there's a "ask 3 before me" rule.. meaning they have to find 3 other friends to ask and if after asking, there is stil a dispute, then they can ask the teacher. So the two of them went on to find 3 other classmates and the verdict was still 4-1. 4 of them were of the same view (as me) while joy was otherwise.  So they went on to see the teacher. In the end, the teacher said joy was right. I was shocked.. girl's ang moh more steady than mine. Lol..

Me: wow.. Joy, then how did u know that there was this word?
Joy: Oh , Mrs pang (her tuition teacher) taught me in class.
Me: Then can i go attend her classes too? I think I need to brush up my English too..
Joy: No.
Me: why!?
Joy: mummy, look here. (Pointing to her right)
Mummy: Huh? Why? Stil in disbelief/daze
Joy: mummy, look here. (Pointing to her right again).
Mummy: I looked at what she was pointing and say what ?
Joy: mummy, look here (Pointing to her left this time)
Mummy: what? (Eyes not following her)
Joy: mummy, you are not "teachable" anymore bcoz if you can't follow simple instructions like that (yes the point here and there ), means that you have become an adult and you won't be able to absorb what Mrs pang says.


Not sure if I'm gullible or what, but what she says has it's degree of truth. Initially I was "wow" by her ang moh and how convicted she was by her choice of words in her compo. But I was more "wow" by her theology after that. Sometimes kids grow up so fast that we don't know. Thankful that I had the chance to talk to her abt random things and thus had an insight of her thoughts or the thoughts of

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