Friday, August 25, 2017

Moments with joy

The time has come.. when I'm at a cafe with joy while she does her homework.. 老娘是个陪读妈妈。。。 hahahah.. seriously?!

Our 下午茶@ CBTL coz Starbucks was already packed with students by the time we reached...😂

Decided to come here today bcoz the house is still In the midst of reno plus the study rooms in the condo are all packed with adults (not sure why), so I decided to bring her here. Especially since I'm not working today.. So might as well spend time with my firstborn..

It's the CA2s now, so cafes are usually crowded with kids studying..i know some of my mummies kakis are busy doing revisions with their kids in preparation for their CA2s. Thankfully for joy's school, CA2 is not graded.. aka practice paper week..or rehearsals la.. as I was telling joleen abt it few days ago..

And for us, as long as she does her best, we will leave it to God to do the rest.. it's not so much of making sure she get distinctions for all her subjects, but more importantly for us, it is the attitude that she must have, to be willing to learn what is being taught in sch. We are not tiger parents and unlike most of her classmates parents, we don't pressurized her for her academic work. She did tell me that her classmate cried in class when she got 98 for her science. I was like why!? Tears of joy ah ? "Obviously not la", my joy explained.. she (the classmate) will be scolded for not getting 100 coz the mama expects the kids to get ONLY 100, nothing else even though 98 was already the highest in the corhot.  I was like wow... (Joy got 92 for the same paper and I was pleased with it. Thought it was a good score meh?!)

I asked joy what were her thoughts on this and if we should have such benchmarks on her too ?  She just shook her head.. took the chance to explain to her again , that what we are hoping at the end of the day, is for her to enjoy learning. Enjoy investigating the "why" and "how" of the questions rather than so focus on the marks of the tests. Anyway, I've digressed.. hahaha...

I pray that she will always have the confidence in doing her work, the curiosity to ask why and the courage to fail.

Times like this make me appreciate my time with her..catching moments of her before she grow too big..

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