Monday, May 22, 2017

The after thoughts from Osaka

It's been 5 days since I came back. Thought it would be more objective to pen this, now that the moods are more settled. 

Did I enjoy myself in the trip? Yes and No. No bcoz I was too home sick towards the middle part of the trip. The guilt was always there, for leaving the kids with Mr choo all by himself, although neither him nor the girls mind. In fact, the twins hoped that I could go on another trip soon, so that they would have gifts when I come back. I also didn't sleep well throughout the trip, waking up earlier than the official alarm on all days. I was ready on most days, before the official alarm rang. Such was my life. Not too adaptable with different beds. On the first night after reaching home, I slept very well, in fact I had to crawl out of bed coz I have to bring the girls to school (mummy duties). :) But I was glad to be home. 

But yes, I also enjoyed myself la.. did some fun things with my traveling kakis, which I have not done before. Like wearing a kimono, and walking a lot and a lot.. actually much more than I thought I could.

I really like exploring the streets of Kyoto in this kawaii kimono.. haha..

Also drank a lot of sake while I was there.. coz both of my traveling kakis are quite gd with their alcohol.. lol..

While we were there, we also tried some of the very nice Japanese foods, 

 Fluffy pancakes at Hoshino coffee, which happens to be available in Sg too.. hehe..
 The Takoyaki is by far, the nicest I've tried. And they serve in sets of 9pcs!

but honestly, bcoz we can more often get very authentic Japanese foods in Sg, there weren't much that I remembered that I would go back for. 

Was feeling very gloomy by the time we visited the Osaka castle.. but yes, the castle and scenery was very nice.. juz me la...

On the flight back and couldn't be happier actually...

Thank God for journey mercy while I was there. I'm thankful that I have opportunities to travel, without worrying much for my kids and stuff.. probably won't want to do it again bcoz my mind's not ready for traveling at the moment. Probably will have to remind myself that I'm not suited for holidays like that. Either the village goes together, or I stay in sg la.. but nonetheless, thank God for everything and all the blessings. 

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