Tuesday, May 9, 2017

It's hard to say goodbyes.

I saw her from the corner of my table and shortly after, she walked over.  With a chocolate cupcake and a short note, she came over and told me that she's leaving. I actually only knew abt it a few days earlier that she has left. It did break my 💔 when I first heard the news. Questions like why did she quit? Certainly we can still do this job a little bit while focusing on the little one, or like perhaps we can juz hold the advisory license for a little bit longer til things settled? To the eventual why didn't she say goodbye to me before she left ? And the list go on la.. 

I didn't know I would be that affected. After all, being here for 14 yrs, many people have come and left. When we first started, there were only 12 of us in the  team, and now, only me and J are ard. Maybe bcoz it's the emo week, mayb it's bcoz I juz faced a client-misunderstanding-issue (resolved at press time, thank God!); or maybe it's becoz I admire her courage to leave and pursue her dreams or maybe I'm juz needed a reason to feel emo..

Anyway, I was really glad that she came back today, so that I could say goodbye to her, to hold and to hug her. She told me her reasons of leaving, and the peace God gave her when she finally made her mind. I know, I knew, it was final. And I'm happy for her. I could see the smile in her eyes  when she told me. 

We said our goodbyes and before I know it, she had already left the office.. perhaps this would be the last time I see her here..I saw her transformation, from a young lady to being a Christian, getting married and becoming a confident mama. Wishing you all the best in yr future pursuits my dear.. praying that God continue to guide you in His ways. 

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