Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Was having dinner with the girls and mr choo at the food court when I saw a pair of young lovebirds sitting juz next to us. They looked like they were in P6, or at most sec 1, v much in love. I signalled to Mr choo, and he had mistaken them as siblings.

It's only a matter of time when we too have to face this. It's inevitable. But I do hope that God will protect them from the temptations of the world, and to allow them enough them to mature and bloom, in His perfect timing.

This was also one of the reasons why I chose to put the girls at a girl's school - so that they wouldn't be tempted / influenced/ 太早熟。I hope that my girls always feel loved and cherished at home, so much so that they needn't need to find love outside.

Joy started to notice the table of love birds and sensing her uneasiness, I decided to broach the topic. I told her that it's our wishes that she doesn't start dating so early. What's impt is she concentrate on her studies now. All these could always wait til she's older. She nodded in agreement.

Not sure how much of it she agreed, but praying that this would b a later than sooner topic.

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