Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Parenting thoughts

I sincerely hope that this true and that my girls will grow to appreciate 妈妈的苦心。I always believe that :

1) we should always always shower abundant love to the kids. And love shouldn't have a correlation with behaviour/ results / achievements. I want to remind myself that no matter how the girls perform,  (be it in their academic or non academic areas or subsequent career in life), we will love and hold each of them tightly til they are ready.

2) Love should not equal to Gifts. At least to Mr choo and I, we want to believe that the most precious gift we can give the child is our presence, not present.

The current holiday with my 2 other khakis juz highlighted how different our parenting styles are. The Amt of gifts they buy for thr recent trip for their only child , is definitely a lot more than what I've gotten for all my 3 girls combined! Maybe bcoz we are currently at a minimalist phrase, so be it ourselves or the girls, we have adopted a "do u need this? Or is it something that is a want only?" attitude. So yes, all the kawaii toys / accessories / stationery are hard to resist but at the end of the day , I know my girls will b sick of using/ playing them within a year . If so, then it will end up as trash again and we have recently threw away a lot in order to move into the current place.

Maybe it's juz me, my worry for my girls is that when we over indulgent in providing for too many things, when they grow up they might find it hard to adapt to a normal lifestyle?

#2 cents worth

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