Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Remembering a friend...

Coincedentally, today was the birthday of a very special friend, someone whom, becoz of her, I started writing and praying to God purposefully. How times have changed.. I wonder always, how she would have grown as an adviser if she had continued on with her life, if she would get married, have kids etc.

I remember after her passing on, every now and then, while waiting for my appt to come, I will always pray and write to God; for her for me and for the many many things. If she's still here, she would be in her 9th yr in this biz. Sometimes I wonder, why didn't God save her; or what would have happened if I had smsed her a day earlier, instead of the day things happened? Would things have changed? Or did God save her, just that we didn't know? All these, I wouldn't know. I just pray that God, You stretch your hand to her; even though she's no longer around.

Deeply missed in my heart and always believing that we will meet again, someday some how.

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