Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy 5 mths !

- Posted on 27th Sep 2012 -

Today the twins r 5 mths old! Yippee ! Another milestone reached! Another mth before they start on solids, another interesting phrase.
Today I bumped into an ex colleague who also has a pair of twins, but they are younger, only abt 2 mths old. Looking at how exhausted the daddy is, i have almost forgotten my 2 mths struggles n sleepless nights. My only encouragement to him was that all these will eventually come to pass. How true it is!
At 5 mths, they hv formed a routine. A typical day starts at 7am and usually zz by 730pm.. W Vera waking up occasionally at 2am for a tiny feed (2oz). Joy has also grown to be more matured and less jealous of the twins. It could also be because they r now more awake n more playful.
I still remember my plea to him abt hiring a helper to alleviate the household chores. He finally relented in aug. I remember how thrilled I was when he finally gave the green light. But as of now, I m less keen of the idea liaoz., though he feels tt it might still b a gd idea to get nevertheless. How fast things hv changed!
Looking at how fast my 3 princess grow, I sometimes hope that time will juz pause for a moment before they grow too fast n become independent, when one day their friends become their world...
Lastly I like to thank God for blessing me with a 101% hubby n 3 easy princesses .. Haha.. Although I do hv to agree tt Ms V is always testing our limits. But irregardless , thank God for his multiple blessings, and for guiding us in every steps!

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