Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Finally, an answer!

- Posted on 9th Nov -

We finally found the answer to Grace cranky nights - breastmilk ! Yes, wat she's been looking for all these while is breastmilk , not me la.. Hahaha.. Another bittersweet moment .. But I'm coping well.

After our malacca trip, I was just randomly talking to uncle pig today that Vera seems to be preferring FM more than BM, thus the reason why she always drink much lesser when it's BM but always seem to have a big appetite when we are overseas. And after several testing, it's official! Vera is a FM baby, which I'm okie too.. So she would b solely on FM except when she's on cereal.

Grace on the other hand behaves exactly opp of Vera.. She can drink a lot of BM but when it comes to FM, she can actually skip a feed! So she's a BM Kia! Haha.. So anyway uncle pig decided to give BM as the final feed for Grace, which she happily drink n zz! No struggles no crying.. Happy grace!

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