Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 36 update

It is with a heavy heart that I'm composing this entry. Juz seen my gynae and he's concerned abt my raised blood pressure & protein in urine. So here I am , at the labour ward monitoring my blood pressure n Bbs' heartbeats to c if it's necessary to do an earlier delivery or if we could wait till 3rd of may.

1) weight gain
@ 36 weeks they r abt 3.1 kg each n my total weight gain is 20 kg! Faints! So much weight gain..

2) status update
After staying at the labour ward for the whole day I'm finally shifted back to the normal ward! Yippee! Much as I want a normal delivery , looking at how things r, I think most likely we will either do a c sec on fri or sat (assuming I can tahan further) coz the additional days I drag, the longer the twins can stay in and develop further. Well, we will c when the gynae comes tomorrow la..

Right now , I'm juz thankful that Joy is coping well with all. In fact, she sounded pretty chirpy at my mom's place when I called her an hr ago. I'm hoping that she can tahan her first night w/0 us.. And if so, then she doesn't need to bunk in at the hospital with us.

Pls also pray that the twins will come in God's timing and also if possible a normal delivery. However, the most important thing is that they will be delivered safely and if a c sec is required, may God grant the doc the wisdom to decide otherwise. Pray that I can zz well to prepare for the delivery, that I will be optimistic with everything, that I will be in the best spirits. Thank God for all that He has blessed us and we are looking forward to embarking on the new exciting journey together. In Jesus name I pray, amen !

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