Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 34 Update

Yeah ! It's week 34! Finally! Seems like such a long time. We went for our gynae check up today (FYI: it's weekly visits now and they are expensive!) 

1) Weight 
- this is the no 1 thing I'm most concerned with bcoz in the event the twins go into labor, a gd weight will help them go a long way. Well, since the last scan a mth ago, they are now abt 2.5kg each ! Wow! Uncle pig n I were surprised by how much they've grown n thankful for the comfortable weight. Yes, this kinda explains my own weight gain of 15kg (I hope). Haha.. But yes, it juz feels "safe" knowing that they are quite big for now. 

2) Counting down to 21 days
- since my last emo entry, Uncle Pig n I have been trying to countdown by the days and now we are left w 21 days. The gynae feels that I'm gonna go into labour even before that and I'm quietly hoping that it will be too, but in God's timing coz He knows best. 

3) Buffet
- I know the plan was for us to only celebrate at the end of the mth but I was feeling so blue that I suggested celebrating our anniversary today! Haha.. N at his fav buffet place at Todai, MBS. I didn't eat as much la, so don't worry. It was nice, juz the two of us enjoying a little of couple time.

Happy day today. Took an afternoon nap after the lunch and wondering how I'm able to zz tonight. But that is for later. =p

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